Dave's .plan
Here's a touch of the endlessness that is my TODO list:
(in no particular order)
- Finish up school.
- Hack on a fancy configurable TouchPad driver. (PawPad)
- Hack on GStreamer
- The world clearly needs another digital music library and player application. Hack one up.
- Buy some massive storage space and rip CD collection.
- Hack on ExoBrain.
- Hack on OpenID/OpenLogin. (update: 2005-05-18: I donated the openid.net domain to Brad Fitzpatrick of LiveJournal fame. I'm sure he'll do good things with it. openlogin.net was also donated to another party.)
- Hike the Appalachian Trail or maybe bike across the USA. More and more options are available all the time for this sort of adventure.
- Race Across America (RAAM) and/or other Ultra Marathon Cycling events.
- Write software or buy toys to try and make some electronic music.
- Learn to play guitar. And maybe even a bass...
- Get a life.
- ...
And no plan page would be complete without my standard ~/.plan since circa 1997:
To become a billionare.
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